Monday, March 8, 2010

Staring at Market Square Arena 5 Nights Only! CROUP with Stridor!

Dear Henry, 
Croup and Stridor are every bit of the the heavy metal one two punch that their names might suggest.  Posts have been slim since the last days of February because with Croup and Stridor in town you needed full attention to details.  Your nose was leakin' like a dam, overflowing with mucus and snot that crusted quickly and heavily as wax on a wick gathering to make a solid booger candle on your baby face.  We frequently squeezed in saline and bulbed out strings 5 feet long of baby nose goo.  The worst was Croup's upper jab to the rib cage that left you coughing in convulsive fits. Every baby muscle in your baby body shook to a seal like tune your infected vocal cords played as gasps of air raked across them.  Fevers shot up and exploded 103.2 red flashes across your face.  You'd cry and cry, and uh, did I mention cry?  Tears flowed.  
You didn't want to eat.  You had trouble sleeping and you'd rub and rub your red rimmed lids in frustration.  I didn't like these 5 days.  Turns out you were teething molars that would fill a fee fie foe fum giant's mouth at the same time.  Worst yet, there were plans of an early 1st birthday party only 7 days away from your diagnosis and mommy was sweatin' the small stuff already.  Crappaw was scheduled to get his hip replaced on March 3rd and wouldn't be able to attend if we didn't do the party earlier and that would just not be a party without Crappaw.  Luckily you would no longer be infectious if your fevers ceased to spike.  Come Thursday you leveled out to a normal temp.  THANK GOODNESS!  We had you sleep near the humidifier and I spread the obligatory greasy Vicks' Mentholatum deep heat 'em on your neck, chest and under your nose.  At the Croup's worst grip Mommy and Daddy even steamed up the bathroom a la Mr. Mom movie to make those lungs moist again.  
It was hard seeing you sick.  We were sad and exhausted but once again we made it through. Now we have our healthy boy back with two new molars to boot.  This puts the teeth count to 10.  Stay tuned for photos of your cake smeared face from your first birthday...
Love, Mommy
PS I'm not a mean mommy.  I took these photos right before we left to the doctor's office, then I picked you up and cuddled you so tightly.


Doug said...

Oh, poor boo-bear! I'm so sorry to hear he was so sick and very glad to hear he's back to normal again.

Give him some lovin' from the two of us!


Rick and Lynn said...

Aw man.. i forgot all about those days!!! I love that you documented it! I don't think i ever even thought about that! ha ha! Too cute!

-cuz Rick and Lynn

Anonymous said...

Lisy, Get Henry's smile back on here, quickly. I can't take it. Bless his little heart. Love, Gma

Brook said...

That last comment was perfect. I agree wholeheartedly. Poor thing.

Just an FYI, my verification word on this comment is doderjub. I think it might be my new favorite word.